Hostal Casa Amarilla Bed and Breakfast

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Hostal Casa Amarilla Bed and Breakfast

Dedicated to travelers and adventurers who enjoy friendship, simplicity and affection of the people

14 Norte # 1309 - Talca - Región del Maule

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Ver teléfono: +56 9 547xxxEnviar mensaje

Hostal Casa Amarilla Bed and Breakfast

The Yellow House Hostel is located in Talca, in the seventh region of Chile. It is located in the north of the city, near the University of Talca, Lircay Avenue until you reach 14th Street North with 6 Orient # 1309.
We are a young team that specializes in adventure, photography and travel, with a new style
In the city of Talca, dedicated to travelers and adventurers who enjoy friendship,
Simplicity and affection of the people of the south.Team Yellow House Hostal Bed & Breakfast, consists of two joined special souls,
To deliver an unforgettable experience for the adventurous and curious travelers.
Esteban and Irene. Two cultures, minds and different professions, unite
To create the most innovative and authentic hospitality experience of the city.
Warmth, simplicity, transparency and friendship are part of the philosophy of team
Yellow House Hostal Bed & Breakfast

Información relacionada

Hostal Fotografia de Viajes - Naturaleza - Personas - Ciudades Agencia de Turismo: Aventura - Cultural - Ecoturismo - Naturaleza - Termal - Rural Transfer Rent a Car Información Turistica
Hostales en Talca City Tour en Talca Tours en el Maule Ruta del Vino Valle del Maule Pueblos Rurales Caletas del Maule Lago Colbun Laguna del Maule Constitucion Pueblos Tipicos Hoteles de Campo Turismo Rural Transfer en Talca Información Turistica Talca Agencia de Turismo en Talca Tours en Talca

Horario de atención

Lunes a Viernes de 0 a 24

Estamos atendiendo llámenos

Lunes0:00 a 24:00
Martes0:00 a 24:00 ABIERTO
Miercoles0:00 a 24:00
Jueves0:00 a 24:00
Viernes0:00 a 24:00

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