The queens english institute ltda-traducciones

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The queens english institute ltda-traducciones

Diplomado en traduccion ingles-español-español-ingles. Curso area telemarketing en ingles-español. Cursos de capacitacion area maritima. Curso para hablar

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The queens english institute ltda-traducciones

Los objetivos principales de nuestra propuesta son en relación a capacitar al personal en el área que la compañía o institución realmente requiere, para superar problemas de comunicación debido a la falta de entrenamiento específico dentro de la compañía o institución y cumplir los requerimientos de los clientes en relación al aprendizaje del idioma Inglés para cumplir esta obligación, sin embargo tenemos que ser un agente activo Para enviar informes acerca del comportamiento y avance académico de cada participante en la enseñanza del nuevo idioma adecuadamente. Para ser utilizado como herramienta de competencia dentro de la oficina con sugerencias relevantes para considerar diferentes alternativas para promover una acción respectiva para considerar alternativas diferentes para promover una acción para optimizar o perfeccionar variaciones impositivas que afectan a la compañía, institución, o persona y sociedad considerando los efectos en las labores profesionales o negocios internacionales cuando el personal es incapaz de explicar una situación en un segundo idioma “el Inglés”. Hemos considerado lo siguiente para con seguir estos objetivos: Un Proyecto de identificación de cada participante que se llevará a cabo al principio de nuestro servicio lingüístico externo diseñado según la información y requisitos específicos de información entregado por una evaluación previa oral y o escrita, y controlar los requerimientos de la empresa o institución durante el proceso de capacitación, debidamente clasificado de acuerdo a las características de la compañía o institución, y la medición de resultados, todo esto bajo reglamentaciones y principios de la enseñanza del idioma Inglés, generalmente aceptados. Este proyecto de procesamiento de datos se realizará solo una vez y los informes académicos de comportamiento de los participantes se harán mensualmente, para dicha razón la empresa o institución.

Información relacionada

El conocimiento de un idioma se valora cada vez más. Conocer otras lenguas no es sólo una ventaja competitiva, es mucho más importante. Además de aprender el idioma, un curso de idiomas para negocios es uno de los mejores puntos de encuentro para crear una red con profesionales de distintos países y culturas. China es un socio comercial clave y de primera importancia para una gran cantidad de países. Es por esta razón, que ser capaz de sostener una conversación de negocios básica en chino mandarín, podría convertirse en una importante ventaja competitiva para los ejecutivos de todas las áreas de gestión empresarial. Clases individuales con un profesor particular solo para usted. La forma más fácil y eficaz de mejorar las habilidades del idioma. Altamente intensivo: de cuatro a seis lecciones individuales diarias. Se pueden elegir distintos temas relacionados con los negocios, tales como finanzas, derecho, ingeniería, medicina, cómo hacer presentaciones. En general está disponible para cualquier nivel del idioma. Diseñado especialmente para el ejecutivo que requiere obtener un mayor conocimiento en un campo específico en un corto período de tiempo. Este curso puede ser una opción sobre todo si no se ofrecen otros cursos para ejecutivos y negocios en el lugar elegido. Estamos ubicados en el sector almendral de Valparaiso. Contáctenos: 56-32-252988 o email: SERVICES OF INTEGRAL TRAINING “ON THE JOB”/”OFF THE JOB The Queen`s English Institute Ltda, established in 1991, is a training company, advisory and linguistic consultant enterprise (OTEC), conformed by expertise professionals, all of them possesses a higher academic degree and a vast experience and professional development . We are recognised as a traning organism by the government, and many companies in the field of accounting, maritime, engeneering, public organisms and so on,which are trusted in our services and professionalism. The headoffice is settled in the City of Valparaìso, Chile. The methodology and components of the courses are imported from prestigous universities mainly from England in order to provide a good standard of education during and after the training which enables us to provide professionals services based on international standards of quality. At the moment, we have offices in the City of Valparaíso, where we related to different companies, professionals and field of actions, in our matter, with a vast expertice in advisor local and international companies with an emphasis in the quality and effectiveness of our services, close to a personalized asistance from the partners responsible for an specific area of work in each task entrusted with independence and proffesional excelence. Our services include , areas such as: Linguistic Consulting, Training in differents fields of the English language, Simultaneous Interpretetation for seminars, congresses and so on into spanish-english-spanish.. These divisions are directed by highly qualified proffesionals with a vast experience in teaching and steadily trained in differents categories in translation and interpretation depending on the need of the company. In order to assure total quality to companies which are our customers and the business comunity in general, we have enforced our Division in Integral training which has been developed with excelent facilities an state of the art and high qualified personnel as translators, interpreters, and linguistic consultants. METHODOLOGY OF PROPOSAL Our main goal of our proposal is in relation to train staff in the area that the company really requieres, in order to overcome problems of comunication because of a lack of training inside the company and fulfill the requirements of the clients in relation to English learning. In order to fulfill with this commitment, furthermore to be an active agent in the sending of informations (reports) about the behaviour of each participant in the learning a new language properly. To be a useful tool in the competence inside the office with a respective suggestion in order to consider different alternatives to promote an action in order to optimize impositives variation which affects the enterprise considering effects in business when staff is uncapable to explain a situation in the second language . In order to follow these copes, we have considered the following: · A Project of identification in each participant will be carried out at the beginning of our external linguistic service designed according to an specific information given by a quiz oral and/or written and control requirements of the enterprise during the training, duly classified according the characteristics of the business, and the measure of results, all this under the regulations and principles of English language teaching generally accepted. This project data processing will be done only once and reports of behaviour of participantas will be done monthly, for that reason the company will have to provide at the begining of training the necessary information or documentation involved of all linguistic facts carried out in other training courses taken by the company, such as; 1. All documentation which support linguistic facts such as: Certificates (in case of need). 2. Level of Education 3. Activities and tasks in relation to the position inside office of participant. 4. Personal interview with Director of programmes. 5. A personal point of view of training courses. The programme of visits to check training programme and carry out revision routines will be agreed before hand. The programme of working routines will conform the following: v Revision and analisys of the training programme carried out during the process with a duly objective, which will have to have antecedents of support. V Revision of results of training monthly (depending on the number of hours) v Making of schedule of hours during the week. V Making of schedules of oral and written quiz. V Making of reports of attendance of each participant. V Other topics of linguistic interest. SCOPE OF OUR TOTAL SERVICE IN TRAINING PROGRAMMES F From our point of view of the teaching of english language systems, this service will provide you the following: Survey “on the job”and Labour Aspects v Making of a centralization of the requierement in an specific training programme, considering the position of the staff in the office, background in the acquire of a second language, usage of the language in the moment, coordination of schedule requiered by the company in the office or in the institute, depending the place of work and facilities. Making and emission of the cumpolsory linguistic registrations from the participants, such as quiz, test could be written or oral and so on. V Emission results to the pertinent person in charge of the training, attendance reports, behaivour reports during the process of the training programme, support in linguistics aspects in the office to fulfill the requierements of the conpany, among others. V Time measurement expressed in cronological hours of the programme monthly . V Interesting facts in our native language to provide an important basis in the globalization terminology cumpolsory in our times. V Making of a report at the end of the process of teaching, with a profile in each aspect of the traning programme or linguistic advisory. V Making of a report of each aspects that staff really requieres during the training. Training Aspects v Analysis and determination of training needs and caculation of the process in cronological hours. V Review of manpower planification.Determination of training from the point of view of the company. V Determination of description and job specifications, with details of the performance require for a specific task. V Determination of behaviour, knowledge and skills expected for employee. V Determination of teaching for a successful performance of the job and methods used in training period. V Determination of successful training programmes which depend on an understanding of the difference between learning about skills and training in using them. Permanent Advisory Our firm is able to answer efficiently, all the questions in relation to this topic that you as a company could have to the training, advisory and translation themes, for this reason is a pleasure offer you a permanent support from our staff of professionals who will be able to overcome any troubled situation you could have hereby. PROFESSIONAL STAFF THE QUEEN`S ENGLISH INSTITUTE LTDA., is responsable for developing all the task and offer you a personal assitance from the executives and director who will work together with a fulltime staff professionals. Technicals responsabilities of this proposal will be taken as follow: Nelson Yáñez Mendoza,.Director of Programmes, Translator and Interpreter english-spanish-english,, Diploma in International Trade and Transportation will assume the total responsability of this proposal. Patricia Yánez Mendoza. General Manager and partner of the intitution. Will assume the technical responsability of this proposal. Nelson Yàñez Mendoza., traineer and teacher of the institute, will assume the execution and development of this proposal. Li-Fen Sun Lin teacher of the institute, will assume the execution and development of this proposal. Andrés Gonzalez Neira teacher of the institute, will assume the execution and development of this proposal.
The queen english institute ltda,cursos de ingles,diplomados,traducciones.

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